Beans (Phaseolus L.) - a kind of annual or perennial plants belonging to the family Fabaceae. Bean pods are the fruit, which is a few to several seeds in a number of different uniform colors, and are also variations where the seeds have several colors simultaneously. The crop is about 20 species and about 540 varieties, differing in the length of the growing season, color, taste, shape and seed pods.
The dried bean pods are pale creamy-yellow. Dry seeds or immature pods and seeds are a great vegetable that contains significant amounts of protein. Besides, they are rich in mineral salts, in particular phosphorus and calcium, and vitamins especially of the B group have a relatively high calorific value - 100 g dry seeds gives about 250 calories.
Bean native to South America and Europe reached after the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. The first mention of bean cultivation in Europe dates from 1542, in Poland bean was known and practiced since the sixteenth century, initially as "seed", later as "the shells cooked", so beans.
Beans are thermophilic plant. Seeds germinate until the temperature of 11 ° C. Grows best at 20-25 ° C. Requires position of the sun - sheltered from the wind, fertile soil, airy, with a pH close to neutral.
According to specialists, white beans have considerable nutritive value and a plurality of valuable components, such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, chlorine, cobalt, fluorine, phosphorus, and nicotinic acid and pantothenic acid. It also has a lot of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C. In addition, dry seed or immature bean pods, there are large amounts of protein. Unfortunately, the plant is quite calorific - 100 g dry seeds there are around 250 cal.
Due to the above ingredients, the product is used in herbal medicine. A decoction of the pods is an excellent diuretic and auxiliaries at the bottom and rheumatic diseases. In conjunction with blueberry leaves, bearberry, viola tricolor, Corn silk flowers and heather creates decoction acting preemptively to problems in the urinary system. It also eliminates the urine oxalates and phosphates. White beans also included in the mixture to help people suffering from rheumatism, hypertension and diabetes. Combats the infected areas of the skin that have arisen as a result of burns, wounds.
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